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Membership Form

Inland Empire NAVHDA is pleased to welcome you and your dog. Please complete this form to be added to the e-mail list. If you are a new member, a board member will reach out to you to answer any questions you may have.  It is a requirement that you become an International member to join the Chapter.  NAVHDA International membership forms are available on the NAVHDA International website.


  • All Membership Dues are due by January 31st, even if you signed up, for example, in June of the previous year. The only exception is if you signed up in the last quarter of the previous year, then your membership is good for the coming year.

  • To become an IE chapter member you must also have a current NAVHDA international membership. Check your current international membership status HERE

  • Family membership or Individual membership get one vote (total) for IE elections and other voting activities

Select an item ($)

Thank you for submitting! Your application has successfully been recieved!

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